5/6 Teacher - Temporary position (Active)
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Gilles Street Primary School

Adelaide, South Australia

Job Type

Part Time


Primary School

Closing Date



Job Summary
Gilles Street Primary School is an inner city category 4 school with a student enrolment of 250 reception to year 6, including the Intensive English Language Program. The school has a strong focus on student and staff wellbeing and PLCs. We are seeking a 0.8 temporary 5/6 mainstream teacher (Mon-Thurs) from week 5, term 2 for the remainder of the school year. The successful applicant will be able to establish and maintain positive relationships with the whole school community and will be able to work in a highly collaborative team. A current authority to teach with DfE is a prerequisite. Please send your expression of interest together with a CV and the names of three referees directly to the principal at [email protected]      Information about the school is available at our website 
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