ClassCover | Villa Maria Catholic Primary School
Villa Maria Catholic Primary School
Primary School
Hunters Hill, New South Wales

Villa Maria Catholic Primary School Hunters Hill is a strong, vibrant Catholic community where we enable students to live, learn and shine. Passionate and dedicated teachers set high standards and personalise learning for every child as they challenge students to achieve their best.

With a focus on learning diversity, we afford children the opportunity to discover their interests and see them flourish. Social justice programs provide the opportunity for faith formation and a close relationship with parents and our parish help us live our values of faith, hope, courage and generosity.

[email protected] +61 2 9879 6100
Head office location
Jobs on ClassCover
PDHPE (12/2/2025-25/3/2025) Contract
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2025 HSIE Position (Term 1 Week 9 until the end of the year) Full Time
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Teacher Assistant Relief List Casual
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