Newington Public School is a large metropolitan school located adjacent to Sydney Olympic Park with a student enrolment of approximately 770. Our school is supported by a strong multi-cultural community with over 80% of students having a language background other than English. Over 50 different cultural/language groups are identified within the school.
The school has a reputation in the community for being a welcoming school that provides strong academic programs balanced with an important emphasis on student wellbeing. The school prides itself on offering a broad, balanced curriculum, as well as enrichment and extracurricular activities. The school culture is that of inclusion, high expectations and personal excellence. It promotes student responsibility, respect, safety and lifelong learning through creative, intellectual, physical and social-emotional development.
The school motto 'Learning for Life' provides direction in ensuring that we motivate, engage and challenge all school community members to value education.
Our 2021-2024 strategic directions focus on student growth and attainment, student engagement and collaborative practices.
A copy of the school plan and further information can be found at the school website: