'Commitment, Excellence and Success for the Future' is the motto of Kegworth Public School. Established since 1887, our school has grown to a medium sized primary school serving the Leichhardt community for children from Pre-School to Year 6.
The atmosphere of Kegworth Public School is warm and welcoming, which is reinforced by the attractive physical environment with a blend of heritage and modern buildings, well-equipped classrooms and spacious playing areas. Kegworth also provides a before and after-school hours care service on site.
Our school emphasises the importance of a caring, supportive and inclusive environment where all students feel safe and happy. The school offers a wide variety of quality educational programs which aim to meet the needs of individual students.
Kegworth is proud of its excellent academic achievements and further enriches the curriculum by providing specialist programs such as Community Language (Italian), Music and Visual Arts. Our school programs also support the inclusion of special features relating to Environmental Education, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Public Speaking and Debating, Creative Arts - Visual and Performing Arts - band, string, recorder and choral programs, Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) and Sport - in which all students can and do excel.
High standards of teaching and learning have always been the school's core business due to the continued commitment and professionalism of staff, complemented by positive student behaviour and a valued, supportive partnership with parents and the wider community.