School vision statement - All students are known, valued, educated and cared for through curious and powerful learning experiences.
School context - Batemans Bay Public School has a student population of approximately 550. The school includes a Preschool and 5 Support Classes. Batemans Bay Public School has approximately 170 Aboriginal students (29%) and is an attractive well-resourced school. We have been on our present site since September 2002. The staff of approximately 90 includes a Principal, Deputy Principal, 3 Assistant Principal Curriculum Instruction, 5 Assistant Principals, 26 classroom teachers, 3 full-time administration staff, 2 Aboriginal Education Officers, 4 School Learning Support Officers in the Support Unit, 1 General Assistant and numerous temporary and casual support staff.
Our area boasts a strong and active Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) and they form a partnership with our community of schools to deliver positive educational outcomes for all students. The school has 3 Assistant Principal Curriculum Instruction who work across K-6 to improve student outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy and support ongoing teacher development. This initiative forms an integral part of our school plan and supports the Premier's priorities.
Our school's core values are Respect, Responsibility and Kindness and we are proud of the inclusive, high expectations learning environment that our students, staff and community are welcomed into and grow within each day.