Teacher Librarian at Kelso High Campus in Bathurst NSW (Active)
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Secondary school

Closing Date




Job Summary

Teacher Librarian at Denison College of Secondary Education – Kelso High Campus in Bathurst NSW

Contract: 28/04/2025 - 19/12/2025.

Total Annual Remuneration Package (1.0 FTE): The total annual remuneration package for this classroom teacher position is valued up to $151,034.00 including leave loading and employer's contribution to superannuation. Base salary rates above the minimum are available depending on experience.

Position information:

This is a part-time position and the full-time equivalent (FTE) may be negotiable depending on the expertise and availability of the successful applicant.

At Kelso High Campus we implement a comprehensive program to support early career teachers, so university students with NSW Department of Education Interim Approval to Teach are also encouraged to apply. 

Denison College of Secondary Education - Kelso High Campus is a comprehensive public high school with 815 students, including 160 Aboriginal students, located in the city of Bathurst, NSW, three hours drive from the Sydney CBD. Bathurst boasts a rich heritage, beautiful natural environment, wide range of career opportunities, thriving and inclusive social scene and an affordable lifestyle.

At Kelso High Campus there is an emphasis on a deep and shared understanding of the individual needs and backgrounds of students and families, supported by positive relationships between staff, students and parents, and teaching and learning that is aligned to student learning data and is responsive to student needs.  

We work in partnership with our community to build educational aspiration and prepare students for pathways beyond Kelso High Campus.  

Kelso High Campus forms an innovative collaborative structure with Bathurst High Campus as part of Denison College. You will be working in a well-resourced and supportive environment, comprising a large team of educators, some of whom have many years of experience in a wide range of settings.

Please see our website for more information. 



Selection Criteria

The successful applicant must hold, or be in the process of obtaining, NSW Department of Education approval to teach in NSW public schools. If you require assistance in obtaining such approval, please contact Sandra Howarth as per the details below.

The selection process involves:

·       submission of a current resume with contact details for two school-based referees who are familiar with, and able to discuss, your abilities and suitability for this position. One of your referees must be your current/most recent supervisor.

·       submission of a written application addressing the specific selection criteria below (maximum of two pages)

·       verbal referee reports and

·       an informal interview (if required).

Specific Selection Criteria:

1.      Approval to teach Library (Secondary) or currently undertaking, or enrolled in, Teacher Librarian qualifications approved by the NSW Department of Education.

2.      Demonstrated ability to effectively manage a school library that functions as a learning hub to support the needs of a diverse range of learners, including budget, technology and resource management.

3.      Capacity to work collaboratively with the whole school community to improve student learning outcomes.


Please email your application to Sandra Howarth at Kelso High Campus.

Please direct all enquiries to Sandra Howarth, Head Teacher Administration at Kelso High Campus.

Mobile: 0428 650 634

Email: [email protected]

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