TAS - IA Teacher (Active)
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Hawkesbury High School

Freemans Reach, New South Wales

Job Type



Secondary school

Closing Date



Wood Work

Job Summary

Hello, We are looking for a classroom TAS - Industrial Arts teacher to fill 5 days (Monday through Friday) for the year starting Term 2  but could be potentially earlier.

Hawkesbury High School is a comprehensive, co-educational high school, locaed in a semi-rural setting in the Hawkesbury district in Northwest Metropolitan Sydney. The school has 460 students in Years 7-12, including 11% Aboriginal students.  The school has strong connections with the local community an it has a strong focus on academic, vocational and wellbeing programs. The school enjoys a strong and sustainable learning partnership with local primary schools. The successful applicant will work with an enthusiastic team whom are supportive and enagaged in the learning communit that supports the social and academic development of all students.

Further infomation about the school can be found at: https://hawkesbury-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/ or alternatively please contact Benn McEvoy at [email protected]

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