Year 6 classroom teacher (Active)
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Burnside Primary School

Burnside, South Australia

Job Type

Full Time


Primary School

Closing Date



Years 3 - 6

Job Summary
Burnside Primary School,  South Australia - Year 6 Teacher - Terms 2-4 - Fulltime
We are looking for an experienced, class teacher who will work collaboratively within the year 6 team. Year 6 teachers support a number of extra curricula experiences such as camp, graduation and school musical. Burnside PS students are academically strong, and teachers need to prioritise differentiation and stretch. They need to communicate effectively with parents, be organised and professional. We use Brightpath writing assessment tool, the LGU spelling program, Dibels reading and our SLP focus is Learner Agency in Mathematics. We are looking for a teacher with good classroom management and who prioritises relationships.

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