Full Time
Secondary school
Humanities/HSIE, English
Mt Maria College Petrie is a systemic co-educational secondary college within the Brisbane Catholic Archdiocese. Our Vision is to provide a holistic Catholic Christian education that inspires, motivates and challenges students and empower them to be life-long learners, who actively contribute to the transformation of our world through example, service and leadership. As a member of the Marist Schools Australia Network, the College embeds the Marist Charism across all areas or our College community.
The College is conveniently located to public transport and UniSC. Mt Maria College, Petrie offers multiple educational opportunities and pathways and prides itself on the strong sense of community and family spirit. Promoting the Catholic faith, personal formation and building confidence and self-esteem are paramount within our college community. The College motto, Lead by Example, also shapes the culture of teaching and learning at the school. We aim to embed in our students a love of learning through a dynamic and responsive curriculum designed to meet the needs of all students inclusive of those with tertiary aspirations and vocational educational pathways. We are a Positive Behaviour for Learning school, with a strong focus on building resilience, accountability, and wellbeing to maximise learning in the classroom. This is to equip our students with strong minds and compassionate hearts to make a positive difference in their lives and the lives of others.
Explore our school website to learn more about us.
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