Aboriginal Education Officer (Identified Position) (Expired)
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Marrickville High School logo

Marrickville High School

Marrickville, New South Wales

Job Type

Part Time


Secondary school

Closing Date



Job Summary
Marrickville High School is seeking a part-time AEO (Aboriginal Education Officer). This role will be for two days per week, Fridays and one other day (preferably Wednesday or Thursday). This is an identified position

Role Statement:

Responsible to the Principal or delegate for providing assistance to teachers, Aboriginal students and their families to support improved learning outcomes for Aboriginal students. 

Working with teachers: 

• to assist Aboriginal students in all school activities including excursions 

• to discuss with Aboriginal parents the educational progress of their children 

• to identify and develop resources to support the learning outcomes of Aboriginal students 

• to assist in the development and implementation of personalised learning plans for Aboriginal students 

• to support Aboriginal cultural awareness for all students with particular reference to Aboriginal students 

• to help maintain effective relationships between Aboriginal parents, the Aboriginal community and school staff. 

Working as part of a school team to support students; 

• in relation to their school participation and programs 

• in relation to their attendance and retention Liaising with the Principal and staff: 

• on protocols for interacting with the Aboriginal community in relation to staff and Aboriginal students in the school and Aboriginal education activities. 

Other Duties 

Performing other related duties as required by the Principal.

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