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Job Type

Full Time


Secondary school

Closing Date



Earth & Env, Biology

Job Summary

Blackwattle Bay is the senior campus of Sydney Secondary College with approximately 800 students. The teaching load includes a mix of Year 11 and 12 EVS and BIO classes.  New graduates and experienced teachers are encouraged to apply. You will be well supported by an experienced and friendly Science faculty.

The school is located on the foreshore of Blackwattle Bay, Glebe and is easily accessible by public transport. The school offers an extensive senior curriculum to cater for the needs of the diverse student body. The student population includes students in an academically selective stream, students in the support unit with a diagnosis of autism, mild or moderate intellectual disabilities, a small, but significant, Aboriginal student population and an increasing number of international students in 2025. Blackwattle Bay students achieve outstanding academic results each year in the Higher School Certificate examinations. All students are supported by a strong welfare program.

Please email [email protected] for any further information. 

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