St Scholastica's College - Glebe
Full Time
Secondary school
Literacy and Numeracy, English, Humanities/HSIE
We are seeking a Learning Enrichment Teacher to work as part of a committed team, to promote and embed an inclusive learning environment accessible to all our students (YR 7 to YR12) across all continuums of the curriculum.
In partnership with the Head of Learning Enrichment, the successful candidate will create a safe and inclusive environment to support students with diverse learning needs, enabling them to achieve their best through targeted and effective learning strategies.
The key responsibilities of the position include:
What we're looking for:
About us
St Scholastica's College is a member school of Good Samaritan Education. We have a long and proud history of delivering exceptional education, with a focus on nurturing the intellectual, spiritual, and personal growth of each student. Our school community is guided by the values of compassion, courage, and commitment, and we are dedicated to empowering young women to reach their full potential.
To apply, please visit and provide:
Please send to: [email protected]
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