At West Wyalong High School we are committed to providing an inclusive environment that engages our students in becoming motivated, successful learners focusing on academic and social growth. Every student and every teacher will be challenged to improve every year.
To achieve school excellence and prepare our students for further education, training and vocational opportunities we will continue to personalise learning and strengthen the positive relationships with students, staff, parents/carers and the wider community. By collaboratively responding to data via targeted intervention we build strong foundations in literacy and numeracy with high aspirations for each and every student.West Wyalong High School is a comprehensive rural education school in the north western part of the Riverina, situated on the lands of the Wiradjuri people, 155 kms North East of Griffith. The school serves the town of West Wyalong and surrounding villages in the Bland Shire. The enrolment 7 to 12 has ranged between 265-310 over the past 5 years. In 2021 we have a population of 287 students of which 48 identify as having an aboriginal background and 22 students are EAL/D (English an additional language or dialect).
The school staffing in 2021 is 33 teaching staff and 6 non-teaching staff. Over the past three years our overall staffing numbers have remained steady due to drought relief funding. The school entitlement for Head Teachers is 5 and we utilise equity funding to employ a classroom teacher on higher duties as a Head Teacher (above entitlement) - Teaching and Learning. Our executive staff remains stable with a mix of new and experienced leaders. Additional student learning support officers are employed through the use of equity and disability funding to provide additional targeted learning support for our students. We currently have one multi-categorical class which requires one additional Special Education teacher and a Learning and Support Teacher.