Peterborough School caters for students with moderate to severe intellectual, physical and multiple disabilities including autism and mental health disorders. Currently, the school has 14 IO/IS classes and 2 MC classes. Students attend from a range of socio-economic backgrounds and cultures and travel to Peterborough from areas within the Illawarra region with 67% of students accessing Assisted School Travel. 11% of students have an Aboriginal background and Peterborough has a strong connection to the local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG). The school is supported by an active Parents and Citizens Association and links to the community.
In consultation with parents, carers and support personnel, staff develop individualised plans for each student working toward a minimum of 3 SMART Goals with communication a specific focus. School staff assess students using the Developmental Assessment and Reporting for Students with Additional Needs (SWANs) and the Communication MATRIX. Student achievement is recorded using a school developed communication and literacy continuum.
Teaching and learning in all Key Learning Areas (KLAs) focuses on individual student learning with adjustments to support equal access by all students. Early Stage 1, Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 students work toward achieving success in K-6 curriculum areas. Students in Stages 4, 5 and 6 work toward Life Skills outcomes.
Many of our students have Health Care Plans and Behaviour Support Plans, which further support learning to provide the differentiation required to be successful. Staff work collaboratively with families, carers and therapists to deliver individualised and meaningful education in a safe and caring environment. Peterborough supports families, encourages independence and assists students to become valued members of the community now and in the future. In this way, we focus on preparing our students for life.
Features of the school include a hydrotherapy pool, a trampoline park, sensory play spaces, a student kitchen, cafe, digital classroom and four buses which are used to access the community. The school boasts a strong performing arts program including dance and a signing choir.
Peterborough School is committed to innovation and building the capacity of staff, students and families. In responding to the needs outlined in our situational analysis the school will look at ways to strengthen the alignment between assessment (SWANs, MATRIX), individual plans, class programs and reporting. New syllabus implementation with appropriate adjustments will enable students to engage in the curriculum to their full potential. There will be particular focus on Literacy and Numeracy, STEM and Aboriginal Education, as well as specific planning on the development of social skills and competencies to support wellbeing.
At Peterborough we aim to provide high quality, positive education experiences which take into consideration the learning, physical, emotional, health and sensory needs of each and every student.