ClassCover | Kings Langley Public School
Kings Langley Public School
Primary School
Kings Langley, New South Wales

Kings Langley Public School is situated within the Blacktown Local Government area and The Quakers Hill Network
The school population in 2022 is 603 students.. The student population over the next three years is expected to decline due to larger numbers in our Senior years. Currently we have 25 classes of which 2 are demountable classrooms. All classrooms are air conditioned and have an Interactive Whiteboard/television. The school is extremely well resourced.
The school is supported in technology with 300 iPads, 200 Laptops, computers in the classroom and Wi-Fi throughout the school.
The community has high expectations of the school and work enthusiastically in a three way partnership between the
parents, staff and students. The P&C work extremely hard with fundraising and with the operation of the Uniform Shop and Canteen. The P&C provide the school in excess of $80 000 each year to help purchase resources. We have parent representatives on a number of committees including Finance, Non-Local Placement, BLC, Student Wellbeing and the School Plan Writing Team. We average 25-30 parents at our monthly P&C meetings. Parents help out in a variety of other ways, including helping in the classroom, being MiniLit and MultiLit tutors, transporting students involved in extracurricular activities and training PSSA teams.
Our school has an enthusiastic and dedicated staff of experienced and Institute teachers in their first ten years of
teaching. Our classroom teachers are complemented by a LaST teacher, EaLD teacher, full time Librarian, Reading
Support Teacher, CLO and a School Counsellor. The school has four office staff, one General Assistant and
six School Learning Support Officers.
Generally, students are very well behaved. The school has PBL that all students follow. Our three key focus words are Respectful, Resilient Learners Our students wear their full school uniform including school hat and black shoes on a regular basis.
Our school has an outstanding reputation in the community.

[email protected] +61 2 9674 4460
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