At Balcatta Primary School, we have a strong focus on preparing your child academically, socially and culturally.
We aspire to develop independent learners who will have the necessary skills to cope with the furthering of their education and life within the community,
Literacy and numeracy are of critical importance, and we have made teaching these a whole school focus. All our staff have supported this approach and we are seeing fantastic student achievement.
Our curriculum also recognises that developing your child’s self-esteem, decision-making skills and ability to take responsibility is vital. We teach these through empowerment and positive reinforcement.
This is a school that believes children learn best when they feel safe to try so we will let your child make mistakes, and then help them understand what can be learnt from the experience. Developing qualities of self acceptance, self confidence, initiative, co-operation and respect for themselves and others.
We are quick to applaud their success.