Airds High School is a co-educational comprehensive high school, years 7 - 12, in the Campbelltown Network of South Western Sydney. The school is committed to personal and academic achievement offering a broad academic and vocational curriculum, thus catering for students of all ability levels. The school enrolment of 516 students inclusive of our Support Unit of 69 students caters for students with a range of intellectual disabilities including Moderate and Mild Intellectual Disability, Multi-Category and Autism.
The 2021-2024 Strategic Improvement Plan evidences our commitment to student growth and attainment, refinement of educational programs and a strengthening of connections within and amongst the school community.
Every student is known, valued and cared for within a culture of high expectations and academic rigour. The school continues to develop a collaborative mindset in planning, educational delivery and professional learning that enhances collective teacher efficacy.