Primary School
Ochre Education is seeking enthusiastic and knowledgeable teachers who are willing to contribute to the teaching and learning in Australia. We are currently accepting Expressions of Interest for teachers who would be interested in creating lesson materials as part of a collaborative team from all over the country.
Ochre Education creation periods are flexibly arranged, with options to work from home to create lessons around other full and part-time commitments. We provide training in both pedagogy and technology, and remunerate teachers for lessons that are created.
Ochre Education is a not-for-profit charity committed to enabling students access to a quality education irrespective of where they live. We provide high quality, curriculum aligned lessons and instructional materials free to teachers, schools and students. We have worked with the Australian Educaiton Research Organistation (AERO) to develop 300 lessons in Primary Maths and English, and are looking to expland our offering.
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