Job Share
Primary School
Why work with us?
Forest Lodge Public School is an inner city public school with a student population of 320 students. Forest Lodge Public School is a high performing academic school with a wide range of creative and performing arts initiatives including a K-6 specialist music teacher and extensive preforming arts enrichment opportunities. We have a culture of high expectations and a focus on individual growth for students and staff. This is driven by a highly engaged, passionate and innovative staff team. Our core focus is our students and a commitment to ensuring that each individual student meets their full potential.
We are looking for a professional, committed, and confident teacher with experience in obtaining excellent learning outcomes for their students. The successful applicant will be dedicated to ongoing professional learning, positive student wellbeing approaches and display the ability to take initiative.
About the role
This temporary contract opportunity is a job share on Thursday and Friday's during maternity leave. You would be joining a strong collaborative team with 3 Kindergarten classes as you add value to our learning culture and environment. Our K-2 team value daily InitaLit, Investigations, Grow Your Mind (GYM), explicit teaching of Learner Dispositions (4Cs) and strengthening partnerships through engaging in Seesaw.
Selection criteria
More information
Start date: 01 May 2025
End date: 19 Dec 2025
If interested in this opportunity, submit by email an expression of interest of no more than two pages addressing the position criteria and one page outlining your qualifications and teaching experience (max 3 pages).
Include the names of two current referees who are familiar with and able to discuss your professional abilities and suitability.
Applications and enquiries should be sent to Julie Warda by 4:00pm Friday 4th April.
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