HSIE Teacher (Active)
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Marsden High School

Meadowbank , New South Wales

Job Type

Full Time


Secondary school

Closing Date



HSIE, Legal Stud, History

Job Summary

Marsden High School at Meadowbank is seeking a full time HSIE teacher from Term 2  to the end of 2025.  It is a full time temporary contract for three terms. Willness to teach Legal Studies with an experienced teacher. 

Marsden High School is a co-educational government high school with 1270 students including an Intensive English Centre and Support Unit. Over 70% of HSC graduates enter tertiary study. In April 2022 we relocated to Meadowbank on a modern purpose built site with fantastic new facilities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIeg6DKwtwU

 All applicants must have:

  • approval to teach with the NSW DOE
  • current WWCC
  • mandatory certificates up to date

Please submit applications with employment history and a list of references.

Please contact me for any questions via email if you are interested: [email protected]

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