Deniliquin High School - PDHPE Teacher (Active)
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Deniliquin High School

Deniliquin, New South Wales

Job Type



Secondary school

Closing Date




Job Summary

Deniliquin High School is a comprehensive, co-educational secondary school located in the South-West of the Riverina. Deniliquin is approximately 1 hour from Echuca and 3 hours from Melbourne. The school has an enrolment of just under 450 students that come from the township of Deniliquin, surrounding towns and the wider rural community. The school has an Aboriginal student population of 58. The school has a dedicated staff that ranges from beginning to very experienced teachers. Deniliquin High School has a strong commitment to student engagement, quality teaching and maximising outcomes in literacy and numeracy.

Deniliquin High School promotes a caring and supportive environment, providing programs that cater for students of all ability levels and backgrounds. The school has a Wellbeing Hub that includes counsellors, a Student Support Officer, a Wellbeing Nurse and a Head Teacher Wellbeing to provide support for students. The PDHPE faculty has 4 staff members including the Head Teacher. All staff members are actively involved in improving their practice to meet student needs. Parent and community relationships are highly valued by the school.

Due to a staff member going on Paternity Leave, we require a full time teacher willing to teach Year 7-11 PDHPE from 16.5.25 until the end of the year. (20.12.25). There is scope for additional employment for Weeks 1-3 of Term 2 (prior to the Week 4 start date) for suitable applicants.

Interested applicants should contact Anthony Michael on 03 58811211 or [email protected]

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