Program Coordinator (Active)
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Students Explore Australia

Everard Park, South Australia

Job Type

Full Time



Closing Date



Job Summary

Students Explore Australia Pty Ltd is on a mission to connect young people with nature, as a means of improving their wellbeing. We predominantly achieve this through delivering school camps for primary and high schools across Australia, working with Aboriginal Health Organisations and communities, and putting on programs for kids with special needs. 

Students Explore Australia falls between the tourism, education and community support industries, and operates in most states and territories across Australia. 

Our core values are:

  1. We strive for good vibes everyday
  2. We are hungry to achieve our personal bests
  3. We are highly organised and disciplined
  4. We are adaptable to change
  5. We are optimists, with can-do attitudes

We are a for-purpose business that takes pride in our engaging work culture and positive working environment. We emphasize personal growth and development in our staff to complement our fast-growing business.


Role Description:

In this role, you will primarily be responsible for overseeing camps allocated to you, within our ‘All-abilities’ camps category. This means leading a team of Administrators pre-program and leading a team of Program Facilitators during the program. Our All-abilities camp programs are located mainly in South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, Northern Territory and Central Australia and Tasmania. The role can be summed up into 3 main components:

  • Overseeing the coordination of each All-abilities Camp program that you are assigned, using our proven step by step methodology.
  • Physically attending and leading camp programs in locations across South Australia and interstate
  • Being a point of contact for guardians who have kids involved in our programs

You will be in charge of coordinating a single camp approximately once every 4 weeks (on average). Hence, once per month you should be okay with being away from home for 3 or 4 nights to go to places like Uluru, Daintree Rainforest, Kangaroo Island, Rottnest Island and much more!


The Ideal Candidate will be:

  • Highly organised, and have ability to build rapport quickly with kids and guardians
  • Have a strong passion for the outdoors and positive wellbeing of young people
  • Physically fit and capable
  • Knowledgeable or passionate about adventure-based activities (bonuses for qualified outdoor educators)
  • Have core values that are aligned with ours.
  • A strong team leader
  • A decent understanding of administration and Google suite of programs
  • Multiple years experience in an educational style role (this could be classroom teaching, working with kids with special needs, outdoor education or something else perhaps)


Essential Items
To be successful in the role you must have or be willing to get:

  • Working with Children’s Check or Teacher’s Registration
  • Senior First Aid Certificate


Key Perks

  • Make a difference in the lives of young people by inspiring them to fall in love with nature
  • Be part of an incredible company culture that offers (fully funded) overseas company retreats annually in South East Asia for 1 week, team meditation sessions each Mon and Friday and a company culture that cares about wellbeing, staff recognition and work life balance.
  • Influence the direction of our company by providing meaningful input, ultimately allowing our team to connect more young people with nature!

The role is a full time contract, with an opportunity to extend. Our office is located in Everard Park, South Australia 5035.

How to Apply:

If you feel that this role aligns with your core values, and you fit the experience and skills required then we encourage you to apply today!

Please email your application to [email protected] with the subject line “Program Coordinator Application – (your name)”. In your application, attach a copy of your CV and a brief cover letter that addresses why you believe you would be an exceptional candidate for the role.

Applications Close: Sunday the 13th April Midnight, or until we have filled the role (so don’t hesitate, get in quick)

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