HSIE / Commerce Teacher (Active)
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Inner Sydney High School logo

Inner Sydney High School

Surry Hills, New South Wales

Job Type

Full Time


Secondary school

Closing Date



HSIE, Commerce

Job Summary

Job description

Teacher - Librarian

Expressions of interest are invited from staff who are keen to join a highly motivated and enthusiastic team at Inner Sydney High School. This career opportunity is a full time position for 2025. There is also a possibility of an extension into 2026.

Applications are welcome from a qualified HSIE/Commerce teacher.

Position Information

The new comprehensive, co-educational high school, Inner Sydney High School is located on the corner of Cleveland and Chalmers Streets Surry Hills, next to Prince Alfred Park. The school currently has 1200 Year 7 - Year 12 students. The unique design of the school with refurbished heritage buildings and flexible learning spaces is combined with a 14 level high rise with indoor and outdoor recreational areas. 

This exciting opportunity will allow the successful applicant to work with a highly energised and motivated team in establishing a new school on a historically significant site. The innovative contemporary learning environment will support students to thrive and enjoy their learning. There is no parking available on-site. Further information about the school can be found at https://innersydneyhighschool.schools.nsw.gov.au/

How to apply

Applications must be received at Inner Sydney High School no later than close of business (4.00pm) on Wednesday 2 April 2025. We encourage applicants to apply as early as possible as this position may be filled before the closing date.

Please supply the name of two referees. Applications should be emailed to Sam Peris.

Email: [email protected]

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