Xavier Catholic College - Eli Waters (Sec)
Full Time
Secondary school
Xavier Catholic College is a co-educational P-12 College owned and administered by Brisbane Catholic Education which opened in 2003. Our enrolment is approximately 1280 students and continues to grow. The College is a vibrant community which takes its name from St Francis Xavier, who along with St Ignatius of Loyola, was one of the founders of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits. We have adopted Ignatian spirituality as the basis for the ethos and culture of the College. Hervey Bay is three and a half hours north of Brisbane and boasts a full range of impressive facilities including shopping, dining, excellent sporting clubs, major public and private hospitals, an airport with regular daily flights to Brisbane and an impressive tourist industry that focuses on whale watching and the beautiful Fraser Island. Housing affordability is a big draw card, particularly for young families. Explore our school website to learn more about us.
Please note applications for this role may be considered as they are received, and an appointment made prior to the advertised close date.
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