Year 2 Teacher (Active)
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Two Wells Primary School

Two Wells, South Australia

Job Type



Primary School

Closing Date



1 -3

Job Summary

Year 2 Teacher - Contract asap till end of term 4 2025 - 

vacancy due to current teacher winning leadership position at another site.

At Two Wells Primary School, we are committed to a culture of learning for the future, in a safe, caring success-oriented environment. We place great importance on developing positive partnerships with our school community by being friendly, approachable, and valuing and encouraging family involvement in their child's education.

The school has a strong focus on wellbeing, literacy and numeracy. ICT is embedded across the curriculum with access to two fully equipped computer rooms, interactive whiteboards in all classes. We also provide support programs to identified students who need additional support to meet individualised literacy and numeracy goals, as well as programs to support social and emotional wellbeing.

We are seeking a passionate year 2 teacher to join our team, if that is you, please get in touch.

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