Secondary Science & Technology Teacher (Active)
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St James Lutheran College

Hervey Bay, Queensland

Job Type



Secondary school

Closing Date



Science, Technology

Job Summary

St James Lutheran College is situated in beautiful Hervey Bay only 290kms North of Brisbane and has a P-12 enrolment of over 750 students and with a Kindergarten currently serving 80 families. We are a caring community offering affordable quality Christian education in an innovative, growing school environment.

An outstanding opportunity exists for an experienced Secondary Science and Technology Teacher to join our team.

The above teaching position will be for a fixed term commencing Term 2 2025.  

This is a Term 2 only contract.

The successful applicant will be part of the Learning and Teaching team, Wellbeing team, and will be supported by the Head of Secondary School and the Collaborative Teams that exist within the College.

Applications close 4pm, 14th March 2025

Commencement Date: Term 2 2025

Please refer to the College website for further information and a copy of the position description

(Please copy and paste into your browser if link does not work)

If you would like to have a confidential discussion about this position, please contact the Head of Secondary School, Mrs Renae Brogden

Phone: (07) 4128 5500 Email: [email protected]

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