Job Summary
Job description
Willoughby Public School is seeking an experienced teacher to teach a Year 3 class from the start of Term 2 until the end of the school year. The classroom adjoins another Year 3 classroom and staff regularly engage in some co-teaching lessons in some subject areas.
There are 10 Stage 2 classes, three composite 4/3 classes, three Yr 4 classes and four Yr 3 classes. Staff plan, teach, assess and moderate collaboratively in teams.
We are a PBEL school. Our school expectations of being a Safe, Respectful, Responsible Learner are evident in our classrooms and playgrounds. We provide additional opportunities in the performing arts, sports and technology to support our students. We have a strong learning support and EALD program which supports students across the school.
Our school is teaching the new English and Mathematics units of work and has a focus on inclusive practice and catering to High Performing and Gifted students.
We will provide some hand-over days during late Term 1 to facilitate a smooth transition for teacher and students.
Please submit a covering letter and CV outlining your training and experience, and provide two work-related referees.