St Columban's College - Caboolture
Full Time
Secondary school
BusStud, Mathematics
St Columban's is a progressive, co-educational, Catholic College catering for over 1,200 students. Our contemporary campus is located in the heart of Caboolture, easily accessible by rail and bus. Our nurturing, faith filled community offers mission and retreat programs, academic and vocational excellence with diverse curriculum choices, technologically advanced 1:1 Laptop Program, comprehensive cultural programs and sporting development academy and offers multiple pathways with a Trade Training Centre, being a National Finalist in the Australian Training Awards. Staff are committed to quality inclusive Christian education in the Catholic tradition led by the Edmund Rice Touchstones. At St Columban's College there is a focus on High Expectations, Resilience and Perseverance. Explore our school website to learn more about us.
Please note applications for this role may be considered as they are received, and an appointment made prior to the advertised close date.
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