Full Time
Primary School
Teacher at Carlton South Public School (K to 6 schools) in Metropolitan South - full time
Carlton South Public School is a large, diverse school with approximately 550 students, 80% of which come from a language background other than English. The student population is extremely diverse, with 53 language groups represented. The school is located in the southern suburbs of metropolitan Sydney. Carlton South Public School is a proud member of the Bayside Community of Schools, comprising of six primary schools and two secondary schools, who collaborate to sustain quality teaching practice to enhance student learning. The school values its community partnerships which develop a sense of belonging for each student, as well as supporting the school's vision to empower students to develop a sense of personal and social responsibility for their actions.
This is a 5/6 Classroom Teacher position working within a collaborative Stage 3 team.
All teachers with Approval to Teach in NSW DoE schools
Please submit your EOI to R/Principal Carlton South PS, [email protected] by email by 9am Monday 24 April.
Please attach EOI of 1.5 pages maximum (plus optional cover page). Please include 2 referees including your current supervisor.
Also attach EOI form
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