HPE Teacher (Active)
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Parafield Gardens High School logo

Parafield Gardens High School

Parafield Gardens, South Australia

Job Type

Full Time


Secondary school

Closing Date



Health&PE, Outdoor Ed

Job Summary
The position requires a HPE teacher to work collaboratively within a supportive team environment in a large complex secondary school. We are looking for someone full-time to start in Term 2 with the potential to continue until the end of the year. It would be advantageous to also teach either Outdoor Education, Design & Technology, Special Options Class, or Food Technology. 

The successful applicant must have experience in differentiating to support a diverse range of learners and use restorative practices to build relationships. All teachers are expected to plan and implement quality differentiated teaching practice with a focus on improving literacy outcomes for all students as per the Site Improvement Plan. 

Please email your CV and personal statement along with your relevant documentation to [email protected]

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