0.8 Biology/Science Position (Active)
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Cheltenham Girls High School logo

Cheltenham Girls High School

Cheltenham, New South Wales

Job Type

Part Time


Secondary school

Closing Date



Science, Biology

Job Summary
Cheltenham Girls’ High School with an enrolment of 1458 students, including 69% of students from a non-English speaking background), is a leading comprehensive girls' school with strong traditions. The school has dedicated and highly experienced staff, articulate and involved parents. School strategic directions include strengthening the partnership between the school and the community, supporting curriculum differentiation for all students across all key learning areas and supporting the delivery of high-quality teaching in every classroom. This position is a part-time (0.8) temporary Science position for 2025. The position includes 7-10 Science and Yr 11 Biology. Successfully applicant is expected to use ICT, including organisation and maintenance of a Google Classroom.

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