Science Teacher 0.8 FTE (Active)
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Hunters Hill High School

Hunters Hill, New South Wales

Job Type

Part Time


Secondary school

Closing Date




Job Summary
Hunters Hill High School is seeking an enthusiastic Science Teacher to join a dynamic and growing Science Faculty. The school is situated by the river on Wallumedegal land. HHHS's motto is to ‘Work for higher endeavour'; the school has a strong community spirit, belief in social justice and aspirations for all students to ‘reach for the stars'.  We are looking for a 0.8 FTE Part Time Science Teacher willing to teach Year 7 to 10 Science. 

Role Criteria

  • Approval to teach Science 
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver high quality teaching and learning practices
  • Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively as part of a Faculty

Application Details 

Submit an expression of interest addressing the criteria (no more than 2 pages in length) to Head Teacher Administration Kenji Luk, [email protected]. Or email if there are any questions regarding the role. 

Contact Person

Head Teacher Administration Kenji Luk (9817 4565): [email protected]

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