Support Teacher (Active) Expiring soon
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Cumberland High School

Carlingford, New South Wales

Job Type



Secondary school

Closing Date




Job Summary

Why work with us?

Cumberland High School (CHS) is a comprehensive high school, with a population of approximately 1130  students, located in Carlingford. The school has a diverse cultural population including 73.9% non-English speaking background and 57 different languages. Our school is driven by the core values of Respect, Responsibility and Excellence, which permeate the teaching and learning environment and provide the context that enables students to thrive and reach their potential. CHS promotes excellence in learning and the provision of collaborative leadership that supports rich curriculum offerings with a strong emphasis on student leadership, academic, cultural, music and sporting excellence. CHS is a Positive Behaviour for Learning high school that provides strong whole-school wellbeing initiatives for all students including students from a non-English speaking background, high potential learners, students with additional learning needs and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.


About the role - Support teacher

In 2025, CHS will have its first support class made up of students with a diagnosis of autism, moderate or severe intellectual disability.

All students will access and fully participate in learning, alongside their similar aged peers, supported by reasonable adjustments and personalised support tailored to meet their individual requirements so they are engaged and learning to their fullest capability. The school will include students with disability in all areas of school.

In collaboration with parents and carers, and external providers, school staff will undertake a personalised learning and support process that will set measurable goals, regularly monitor and review the use and effectiveness of reasonable adjustments and monitor the progress of individual students with disability.

The class will have a designated SLSO to support the teaching and learning of this class.

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