Temp Position (Active)
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Claremont Meadows Public School logo

Claremont Meadows Public School

Claremont Meadows, New South Wales

Job Type



Primary School

Closing Date



Job Summary

Claremont Meadows PS is looking for a full-time temporary K-6 classroom teacher commencing Friday 31 January, 2025 (Term 1, Week 1) until the end of Term 1 with a possible extension for the rest of the year. We are looking for two teachers for Stage 2 classes.  There is a strong emphasis on collaboration among stage teams. Explicit teaching structures are implemented to ensure students are engaged learners. 

Stage and grade teams collaboratively program and are supported by the Assistant Principal, Curriculum & Instruction to implement the curriculum. 

If you would like to join our beautiful school and staff, please email the Deputy Principal at [email protected]

 your CV or a brief outline of your experience and a current referee. 

Debra Puckeridge

Deputy Principal

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