Teacher Inclusive / Special Education - Multi-Categorical Class (Active)
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Parramatta West Public School

Parramatta West, New South Wales

Job Type

Full Time


Primary School

Closing Date



Special Needs Education

Job Summary

We are seeking an enthusiastic and passionate educator to join our Inclusive Education team. We have three multi-categorical specialist support classes, where the three teachers work closely as a teaching team.

This is a full-time classroom teacher position for Term 1 2025, with the possibility of extension.

Teachers with relevant teaching experience who have current approval to teach are encouraged to apply.


Selection Criteria

  1. Experience in teaching special education and students with Autism and intellectual disabilities, differentiating the curriculum and implementing Individual Education Plans that maximise student engagement.
  2. Highly developed communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to work collaboratively, proactively and professionally with staff, parents and other stakeholders.
  3. Demonstrated skills and experience using a range of inclusive classroom management and wellbeing approaches to cater for the communication, sensory, social and emotional needs of students.
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