Winston Heights PS - Stage 2 Teacher (Expired)
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Winston Heights Public School

Winston Hills, New South Wales

Job Type

Full Time


Primary School

Closing Date



Job Summary

About our school

Winston Heights Public School has a student enrolment of 321 (13 classes) and is located in an established residential area in North West Sydney. The school has an excellent reputation within the community and is highly regarded for its caring, supportive, and inclusive culture. Students, staff, parents and the wider community work in collaboration to foster high expectations for student learning, achievement, and wellbeing; and are committed to the pursuit of continual school improvement and excellence. 

There is a strong focus on the continuation of implementing the new curriculum K-6, along with initiatives to support student wellbeing through PBL, and playground programs. The collaborative team at Winston Heights PS features a range of staff from beginning to highly experienced teachers, who are committed to developing a deep understanding of individual student needs and using data to inform differentiated teaching and learning programs.

Winston Heights PS students have opportunities to participate and excel in many extra-curricular programs that deepen their knowledge and broaden their understandings of arts, dance, band, technology, sport, numeracy, public speaking, debating and leadership.

Position information

Winston Heights PS is looking for a full-time Year 3 classroom teacher commencing Monday 23 September (Term 3, Week 10) until the end of the 2024 school year (Friday 20 December). 

There are 26 students in the class. Collaborative teaching and learning programs and structures have been implemented to ensure students are settled and engaged learners.

Should you have any questions about this opportunity, please feel free to contact Mrs Terri Bullock (Principal) on 9624 7485 or [email protected]

Please email your CV along with details of two referee to [email protected] by Wednesday 11 September 2024. 

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