Redhead Public School is a high socio economic school with 11 classes located in Lake Macquarie. The student population of 275 students has been stable over the last four years. Our school has 2% of students with non-English speaking background and 6% of all students identify as having an Aboriginal background.
The school's staffing entitlement in 2021 is 14.921 teaching staff and 3.680 non-teaching staff. The school also employs Health and Safety administrative SAO via principal support funds. Our executive staff is stable with the majority being here for more than three years. We have one permanent AP seconded to an IL position but the Relieving AP has been a member of staff for 8 years. We have no beginning teachers and are highly experienced. There has been a stability in staffing over the last 2 years.
The school enjoys the support of its Aboriginal community via our yarn meetings and AECG, including consultation around high level areas of school improvement. We have also fostered strong partnerships with Newcastle universities, Redhead Men's Shed and the Redhead Sustainable Group. Students represent the school across the regional north area in debating, choir and dance ensembles and a wide range of sporting activities, with both state and regional representation.
The majority of the school's equity funding will be used to support initiatives developed in the 2021-2024 Strategic Improvement Plan. Additional school funds will be used to support other activities not embedded in this plan. Additional school funds will be used to employ an AP Pedagogy to develop staff commitment collectives within the areas of literacy and numeracy and to mentor staff around explicit differentiated teaching and learning in these areas and a clear focus on achieving school targets in reading and numeracy.
The school is committed to continually improving effective classroom practices with targeted professional learning identified through student data, staff Professional Development Plans and via the identified school improvement measures. This learning will ensure that both literacy and numeracy levels can be enhanced through improved data collection, analysis and differentiated individualised teaching and learning.