Manly Village Public School (566 students) is a unique urban school situated in one of NSW's most popular tourist destinations. Located in the heart of Manly, between the ocean and the harbour, the school attracts a diverse school population, with a vibrant mix of local and international students. The school is committed to wellbeing, providing support to enable future success and the realisation of each student's fullest potential.
A professional and committed teaching staff work collaboratively to understand what is going on for every learner, enabling the design of learning opportunities which are underpinned by high quality teaching. All staff are committed to the improvement of their own professional performance. Our non–teaching staff are committed to the improvement of administrative management and service.
A strong parent community partnership enables teachers to work with parents as active participants in their children's education.
School leaders are committed to fostering a whole school culture of high expectations and a shared sense of responsibility for student engagement, learning, development and success.
Our school is proud of its 160 year history. School facilities are extensively used by the community. The school's mission is "to seek to provide each student with a high quality, balanced, stimulating and challenging program in a secure and caring environment." Literacy, Numeracy and 21st Century Fluencies are priority areas. We are always looking at ways to improve our programs, which is why we say, "It's onward and upward at Manly Village".
A strong parent community partnership enables teachers to work with parents as active participants in their children's education.
School leaders are committed to fostering a whole school culture of high expectations and a shared sense of responsibility for student engagement, learning, development and success.
Our school is proud of its 150 year history. School facilities are extensively used by the community. The school's mission is "to seek to provide each student with a high quality, balanced, stimulating and challenging program in a secure and caring environment." Literacy, Numeracy and HPGE are priority areas. We are always looking at ways to improve our programs, which is why we say, "It's onward and upward at Manly Village".